2018 GOals and Exciting News

Hey there, I am here today to share some personal goals of mine! Please feel free to share a goal of yours in the comments! I would love to hear about your goals💕

No matter what I honestly think setting goals for your life is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. You are setting yourself up for success and that is super motivating! However setting goals and not acting on them is a big NO. Make sure you are reaching that goal in a small way each and every day. When you set a goal it intrigues yourself to become that and achieve that. It's just in our nature and well.. we all have some badassness in us💪🏼. (That is the first cuss word on my blog) woah. I mean business! Haha

Speaking of business, it has been a huge dream of mine to open an online clothing company. I love to shop and I love to make people's day. I am still working towards this, it is a huge commitment for sure. I guess I am asking y'all would you be interested to shop on my site!? I'm thinking about intertwining the two. So I will blog about an outfit I'm wearing and then have it for sale on my website. What do you all think? Again like I said it is still in the works ;)

Anyways.. maybe I should go ahead and write about what I was going to talk about today huh, lol. Below are a few super important goals in my life personally. Enjoy :)

1. Fall in love (whether that be a relationship, a new place, or with my personal life) everyone wants to love their lives, right?

2. Find a new hobby and stick with it for life

3. Quit my job and work for myself. I know this is a dream of probably a lot of people but if you don't take this seriously it won't happen. Make it happen!!

4. Take a vacation with just friends.

5. Have a successful online boutique and blog

6. Travel to a different country

7. Learn a different language (this one I will struggle with the most) I get so distracted haha but I am going to attempt this one.

There you have it. That is what I will be focusing on this year. Of course I'll be posting more while in the process of working on these goals. My next post will be all about my big vacation I took recently and the most epic excursion we did in Dominican Republic so stay tuned for that!

Thanks for reading and of course following! I truly love each one of you. That sounds weird haha but I'm serious. If you are a follower on my blog and like what I share with you would you please just let me know. Email, comment, post on my instagram. Anything helps. You will make this girls year even better. Follow me here----> CassieMorganBlogs xoxoxo, Cas. Blogging in Asheville ✌️

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