Hey readers, Happy Thursday! !
Woah…what? Yes I meant what I said, this is not a typo! My day off yesterday consisted of “bellyaking” and it was so much fun! I don’t know if y’all have heard of this nifty river ride but it’s pretty awesome and becoming more popular.
A Bellyak is a craft for lay-on-top kayaking…a kayak you ride on your belly.
A few of us got together this morning and tried these new boat/kayak/paddle board looking things out. I love anything to do with floating down a river on a sunny day with some brews. sooo anyways! The new bellyak is still breaking ground, but I can definitely say we all enjoyed these. I found myself laying on my belly, sitting on it criss crossed, and sitting on it with my legs in the water. Water does get into the boat so I didn’t lay down on my back all the way, but you can do that to. I also love that these aren’t as tippy as other things like canoes and kayaks. You can kind of rock side to side and it’s very responsive. You can ride many different ways with a little bit of braveness because obviously you could roll in the water…lol, but very carefully it can be done. Also they cruise! Not once did I find myself being stuck, they go right along with the current just fine.
The owner of this concept let us take these out and give them a try. (They were created in NC) whoop whoop . They are used for all sorts of water activities. He said you can even take these white water rafting with helmets and appropriate gear. (I might have to try that sometime) but overall today was a great day. We all feel pretty special to have done this because only a select few of these exsist right now! I’m going to attach the company link at the bottom of my post so you can check it out for yourself. Whenever your next day off is I suggest planning a day to go float down the river or bellyak. Of course I took photos as well with help from a friend. (She had the waterproof case; she’s smart) haha.
They also make great tanning beds lol.
Wait I’m not done. The best part! FOOD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After floating down the river we checked out 12 Bones. When I first moved to Asheville it was all the rave for best BBQ. Oh man it was! It exceeded my expectations.
I had brown sugar ribs with a blueberry chipotle and pineapple mango sauce on the side(I couldn’t choose just one,cmon) , sweet potato mash(I’m obsessed with these perfect potatoes), and cucumber salad & a side of pork because I had to try that also lol and it was all super yummy and fairly cheap. It was 22$. This place is definitely on my list to eat again. They are only open until 4 so definitely go for lunch! Oh and cornbread. The cornbread was magnificent! I don’t know a better way to describe it
That’s it for today! I really hope you enjoy your day off like I did. It’s much needed and we all know that, right? Thanks for reading. xoxoxo Cas