Homemade Taco Pizza *screams*
This pizza is a must when you have some time on your hands. This recipe is specifically how I like my taco pizza, and I do it a little different.
Recipe: I buy a premade crust from the store because I’m not talented with the “homemade crust skills” they were not given to me but if you have all day sort of thing definitely make the homemade kind (props to you by the way) ..OK moving on…
Preheat your oven to 400° and prep that pizza
get your pizza sauce and get your sauce on! I use an entire jar for one. It’s pizza! It’s made for all that saucy goodness and it just makes it that much better.
Next I would add pepperoni but this is a taco pizza so I leave those out sadly. So next I add my cheese! Again, another thing you can’t go wrong with loading on (did I say this was healthy?) NO HA HA.
So that part is done. Now we prep the ingredients that go on after.
Ingredients to prep:
Cooked Hamburger meat or bacon (optional), 1 avocado sliced , 1 tomato chopped, shredded lettuce, white onion, taco sauce, and Doritos!
Beep! Alright throw that pizza in the oven for about 15 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and cheese is melted yumminess sure I’ll just pretend that is a word.
Take your pizza out and let cool for 5 minutes. Now it’s ready for all those toppings. In order I do hamburger meat, lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado, drizzle of taco sauce ORTEGA, and lastly crushed up Doritos also a tip: cut your pizza before you get crazy with the toppings that way when everyone is grabbing a slice it’s easier ! I really hope you enjoy this recipe and make it one day. I’m telling you it’s a must and it’s also good the next day! Leftover taco pizza yes please.
1 more tip: how about making this on a cheat day! Yeah now I’m not feeling as guilty. lol
xoxoxo thanks for reading, Cas.