Be glad your not me. With a lot of trial and errors I have found out that me and coffee are no longer friends. Not that I don’t love it but it doesn’t agree with me. Here’s a short story for ya. When I was younger I would walk from school to my parents shop and across from that was a coffee shop. I started visiting the shop everyday after school because I got along with the lady that worked there and she was nice. She also had these amazing chocolate covered coffee beans that she let me have every single day! And not just one. Handfuls. So that was my routine eventually. I would go to her shop just about everyday after school and get a handful of them and sometimes she would make me a coffee or a shake. I didn’t realize what I was doing to my body. (I was so young) like 6th grade.. but a few years after that I started having terrible pains in my stomach and whenever I ate I would just complain all the time that my stomach hurt and I wasn’t lying it did. So a short while after dealing with that because I had no idea what was wrong I went to the dr and had my stomach pumped it turned out I had so much acid in my stomach and my walls in my stomach were weak. That’s the best way I can explain it lol. So here I am living a caffeine free(for the most part) life and I’m doing a lot better. I can have the occasional hot fudge Sunday or chocolate treat but if I over do it in a short period I’ll feel sick for days
so on a more positive note ! I love Starbucks and I’m not going to pass it up because of my problem. Instead I’ll look at the bright side and order the caeffine FREE drinks! Did you know you can get a bunch of drinks there without the caffeine!? It’s great. So here is a list of my yummy drinks I can still enjoy and feel good about drinking them (minus the calories) lol
- The pink drink! Yes the pink drink everyone loves can be caffeine free. It has a light green tea extract but it’s not enough caeffine to trigger my stomach to hurt so I can have this! Yay! Also order it with coconut milk. Like the entire internet tells you lol.
- Hot chocolate! No caffeine here! About any one of them you can have and be fine. I love the zebra hot chocolate!
- Any flavored steamers. I really like the vanilla bean steamer. It’s just steamed milk, flavoring, and sometimes whipped cream.
- Tea. You have to be careful with this one. Not all teas are okay! The most popular ones are the passion tea which is made with mango, passion fruit, and hibiscus flower with a hint of lemon grass. Or the calm tea which is a more lemon, spearmint, chamomile taste. Very soothing.
- Iced lattes! This is by far my favorite drink right now. I get a decaf latte with hazelnut flavoring and whipped cream. It’s so tasty and simple and YUM!
So that’s all from me on this Friday afternoon! Have an amazing weekend! I have big news coming up!! Stay tuned! Be sure to follow me on Insta!! Bye for now
xoxoxo, Cas