Okay so meal prepping. Something that everyone wants to accomplish but never actually follows through and does. Sorry, I’m just being honest. If that isn’t you disregard that, but the majority of us struggle with this including myself. I feel that it’s not necessary to meal prep every single week because who has time for that? But it is important! I find myself meal prepping when I’m low on cash, trying to save for vacations, trying to eat healthy, or just to do it for a week and follow through with something. It definitely builds up a confidence in me when I follow through with things. So here is my tips I have learned that made it easier for me. Step by Step!
- Write it down. I wrote each day of the week down and planned it out that way. (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) To keep it very cheap I planned that two of my days would be the same dinner. hence “meal prep” Keep this paper with you and at the bottom of your list for the week write a small grocery list of things you need. My Meal Prep List is down below. Feel free to use this any time and follow along with me if you want!
- Think simple. I don’t know about you but when I look up “healthy CHEAP meals” on the internet I get fancy salads, sandwiches with everything delicious but expensive on them, and super complicated rice or quinoa dishes. I don’t have time for that or the money LOL. I need something more simple and cheap but still on a healthier side. I couldn’t find anywhere with this info so I brainstormed. Think about what you already have. For example I had bananas, bread, tuna, breakfast bars, rice, cereal, pancakes, mac n cheese, spaghetti sauce, frozen fruit bags, peanut butter, and cheese. So I created most of my list with what I already had. (SMART)
- Breakfast isn’t fancy unless you’re out of town! haha. forget the smoothie bowls with every kind of fruit in them and the homemade hash poached egg toast sandwich..lol (that sounds good I just made that up) but instead easy cheap ideas for breakfast include smoothies, bars, fruit, cereal with fruit, egg and toast. That’s more like it! So for breakfast for my week I’m mixing it up with what I listed for each day. I didn’t have to spend any money on breakfast for an entire week other than I wanted blueberries and bananas for smoothies and cereal.
- Lunch. Again, think simple.. also remember I’m creating my ideas from my above ingredients already in my fridge and cabinets. For lunch I think the easiest is tuna and or PB & J. Both healthy-ish and easy! I will put cubed cheese with my tuna for a side and apple slices for the PB & J side. Also mac and cheese with roasted stewed tomatoes (SO GOOD) On days off I do like to splurge a little so I will go to Zaxbys, Chik Fil A, or Chipotle for dinner once, but keep it minimal and only do this once every 3 weeks if you can help it!
- Snacks. This part seems easy but it’s really not. Here are a few ideas I have that are cheap but also easy and healthy. Cheese cubes, apple slices w/Pb, grapes, hard boiled eggs, energy bars, pecans, fruit. That’s just my opinion. when you get into hummus and cucumbers and other “fancier” snacks I lose focus and end up forgetting to pack a snack. I’ve said it a lot now but keep it SIMPLE (:
- Dinners. This is where the money comes into play but if you play it smart you won’t be spending much at all. I have seen that meal prepping can be for a whole week but who really wants to eat the same meal prep every night. Not me! So I made a dinner last night for two of my nights which consisted of rice(already had) broccoli and salmon.. and the other meals I am eating out one of those nights, and the other I will make spaghetti because I already have the sauce in my fridge and pasta noodles aren’t expensive. Also for my last dinner I will have grilled cheese and tomato soup. I have the bread and cheese that makes my meal I just needed some soup. Again super cheap! If you play it smart you really will be thanking yourself!
Meal Plan for my week / Never forget your water!
breakfast- 2 breakfast bars
snack 1- banana
snack 2- 3 hard boiled eggs
dinner- chicken noodle soup
snack 3- candy bar
breakfast- cereal with fruit and 1 breakfast bar
lunch- tuna sandwich and cubed cheese
snack 1- more cubed cheese
dinner- my meal prep (salmon, rice, and veggie)
Wednesday (my day off)
breakfast- pancakes with fruit
lunch- mac n cheese with tomatoes
dinner- Most likely Zaxby’s
breakfast- egg and toast
snack- smoothie **check out my favorite smoothie recipe right now here
lunch- PB & J with apple slices
dinner- my meal prep (salmon, rice, and veggie)
snack- chocolate or ice cream. Small portion!
breakfast- scrambled eggs with toast
lunch- flat bread pizza with sauce, cheese, and veggies **my recipe here
snack- pineapple
dinner- spaghetti with squash and sausage
breakfast- fruit with peanut butter
snack- 3 hard boiled eggs
early dinner- grilled cheese and tomato soup
Sunday ( I am traveling to MS to see Chris bright and early, hence why I am doing this meal prep so I can save money for our trip)
breakfast- smoothie before I hit the road
*also I will take any left over snacks I have in my fridge on the road so I don’t waste money on fast food traveling down there.
dinner- well I’ll leave that up to him I think Texas Roadhouse!
Here is my shopping list (:
apples, eggs, milk, blueberries, peanut butter, salmon, broccoli, squash, tomato soup, tomatoes, pineapple, chocolate (2 for $7) yogurt, which ended up being about $50.00
Well that’s all from me today. It would have been less but I couldn’t budge on the chocolate buy 2 for $7.00 and my favorite yogurt was in stock! So are you convinced that this is a better and simpler way to plan your week? Let me know in comments and also I would love for you guys to follow me on this weekly plan. I am on Tuesday now and just finished my tuna sandwich and cheese cubes! Dinner is in the fridge! I could post these weekly I love planning out my meals. It makes for better eating habits and I really enjoy it.
Avg Person Spending on Food weekly!
Young adults’ average weekly food spending is $173, that is totally crazy.
I’ll stop rambling now, but I hope this helped in some way shape or form. Thanks as always for following my blog! I really take in pride in what I do and LOVE doing it. Thanks.
xoxoxo, Cas.
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