This is probably the scariest thing I have started. Why?My hair needs a straightener every day and sometimes after I straighten it I am then guilty of curling it with my wand O lordy. But, lets be honest I was not leaving my house without my hair straight or curled no matter what! My poor hair was suffering and I would get mad if it was frizzy and unmanageable but HELLO I was frying it.(also.. did I include that I never used heat protectant) someone slap me lol.
Well here is my update:
I am on DAY 6 with no heat on my hair and I am serious NONE! How am I managing? Well that’s what I’m writing this blog post for (:
I’m not going to lie its HARD you may not understand but my hair is very very hard to deal with. It’s naturally curly/frizzy and I have used every color dye on it since high school. So I’m sure you can only imagine right? I have committed to this though and I’m quite proud I made it this far.
Here is a list of things I have done step by step since my hair disaster and I have noticed a small difference already!
~ I am committed to getting a trim every 8 weeks at the salon.
~I only wash my hair when it gets to a point I need too.
~In the shower I take my rings off now and wash my hair. If you wear a lot of rings I do recommend this because your hair is most fragile when wet and the rings pull your hair and cause split ends up by your roots! NO!
~I use KERATIN infused shampoo and conditioner but I don’t just stick to one brand I try a lot of different types and I mix them up sometimes.
~I do a hair mask every Wednesday. Why Wednesday? Cause why not! I haven’t found my favorite hair mask yet but I do like the Aussie 3 minute miracle so far but I think I’m going to try the AG hair mask soon. ( another blog post review in the future)
~After I shower I religiously put in Not Your Mother’s Leave In Conditioner and COMB through it and put it in a braid!
~ I do not blow dry my hair hardly EVER I shower at night after work and sleep in my braid and let it air dry.
~ Also every night I take a hair skin and nails gummy vitamin before bed.
So that’s what my routine has been for the past week
The hardest part obviously for me is the morning after when my hair is dry and curly and a little frizzy. I feel obligated to put heat on it to “tame the mane” but not for the past 6 days NOPE..Instead I have been throwing some argon oil (just a little) in it and re- braiding it and just wearing it like that or throwing it in a side bun. My hair will thank me in July! lol
SO any tips or tricks I can include that y’all would like to share would be cool or if anyone wants to join in on the no heat JUNE!(a little late but SO)
with love from me and my very happy locks right now.
Thanks for the read. xoxoxo Cas.