This post is very different and random being that it was not planned. I haven’t been that busy doing much so this type of post came to mind. When you comment below I would be interested to know what your loving as well!!
So I’ll start!
My kitty Thunder. She keeps me on my toes and is the greatest cuddle buddy. She listens and is starting to learn her name. She’s my little gymnast. She intertwines around everything and is very brave. She also loves empty boxes as well. She doesn’t like when I sneak up behind her (accidentally) and she doesn’t like being held when she is in a playful mood. Soon enough we will be moving to a bigger place and I think she will do very well with the move..I just hope she doesn’t get lost! (more about the move in a later post) (:
The Netflix series One Tree Hill. I remember starting OTH like a long time ago but never was close to finishing it. Now I’m on season 8 and I almost can’t wait for it to end because I’m so obsessed. At night I watch one right after another and eventually its 2 am and I’m forcing myself to turn it off. For those of you unfamiliar with the show its about a group of 20- something year old growing up in Tree Hill trying to keep dreams alive and friendships intact and going through every stage of life. The good and the bad. It can be a bit dramatic at times but that’s honestly what sucks me in. It’s very good! It reminds me of those movies you don’t want to end. This just keeps going and every episode is interesting.
Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked Ice Cream. I can’t stop eating this! I know I’ve said Halo Top is good and it is. (and it’s better for you) but I LOVE this flavor B&J came out with. Half Baked is chocolate and vanilla ice cream with gobs of cookie dough and chunks of fudge brownies. CAN YOU SAY YUM. I have some in my freezer right now and will be having a snack later tonight, lol. I bet you want some now too.
Wearing my hair half up/half down. I didn’t have an ideal pic for this one. I wish this wasn’t one sometimes but I’ve realized I can’t go to long in the day without putting my hair up. My hair is at an awkward WONT GROW stage so when I wear it this way I feel like it looks better. The front of my hair is shorter then the back so when I put it up it looks one length, which I like a lot better!
Finding a good skin care brand. I am most obsessed with this one, I think. I have spent enough money on trying to see what my face wants/needs. I just want it to be soft, acne free, and free of baggy eyes. Is that to much to ask for? LOL. I did find Mario Badescu to be a good brand but I’ve been cheating and just using Simple facial wipes to take my makeup off at night because of laziness, but my face is telling me different things all the time. Sometimes I use something that works really well and I forget what it was I used and then I’ll use something else and it will still be fine and then a week later I break out. I love you skin (: (sarcasticly)
That’s a few I can think of off the top of my head. One question bloggers! Please comment below your favorite acne mask you’ve used! I am in dire need. Also feel free to let me know what you love! Happy Wednesday! How cool was that Eclipse by the way?!
xoxoxo, Cas
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